BGA Headers Adv. LA.jpg

Suited For | Professionals

Duration | 4 hours

Course Fees | RM600.00 (Inclusive of 6% SST)

This is a hands-on course that is catered for Latte Artists who want to improve their skills in Latte Art. Amazing latte art can create great coffee delivery. In this class we will teach the essential techniques to consistently produce beautiful designs in your espresso drinks. Starting with the proper frothing and texturing of the milk we will take participants through the steps to advanced free pour patterns. Tips and techniques will be demonstrated and practiced to get seasoned baristas to improve upon more experienced designs.

This advanced class is recommended for home or industry baristas who are able to consistently produce proper milk texture and temperatures, and are looking to polish up their pouring skills.

• What is Designer Art?
• How to choose a Milk Pitcher?
• What is the differences of steam tip.
• How to differenciate a good and a bad latte art?
• How to judge great art for competition?